Monday, August 23, 2010

Mexican Kissing Cousins

We've been spending some good quality time at my parent's house this summer. While Sharon is off from school for the summer, she's been flying down from NY and the rest of us have been meeting up in W'burg.

That's meant lots of quality time with the family, shopping, golfing, margaritas and lots of eating. This past weekend we had a little hiccup because Natalie and Blake were sick and so Kiera, Ryan and the kids weren't able to make it out for the weekend.

So, instead we had an adults only weekend including game night. Here is the crew playing "Mexican Train" which is a domino game that my parents learned. We couldn't remember the name of it the whole weekend so had a multitude of names that started out as Mexican Cousins and grew into Mexican Kissing Cousins on a Train Crossing the Border, etc etc. What can I say, we're dorks.

And the results of the game? Brad seriously kicked everyone's arses. That boy has some kinda luck when it comes to card games. Good thing there was no money bet!

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