Sunday, November 30, 2008

Busy, busy

I feel like I talk all the time about how busy we are. And then we get busier. Is there an end to that trend or does it just go on forever, getting busier and busier? Sigh.

Anyway, life has been a whirlwind of late. After talking about it forever, we finally moved right before Thanksgiving and are officially North Carolinians. Talk about mixed emotions about things! It was super exciting to be leaving behind our too small condo and be moving back to NC and to our first real house! But it really is bittersweet to leave the DC area behind. As you are saying goodbye to something, it always makes you take stock of all the good things - most importantly, friends that I am SO bummed to leave and wish I could pack up in a box and take with me. (I tried to convince a few but without much luck!)

Fortunately, our condo complex decided to help us let go by towing my car on the very last night we were parked in our lot. Apparently, its against condo rules to park a car with an expired safety inspection tag (BTW, doesn't that seem odd? I mean, its not like the car was being driven - it was parked! Does the safety inspection cover poor parking or something?). Anyway, Brad and I are always talking about signs and things happening for a reason so we figured that was a sign telling us it was time to hit the road down to NC (after stopping by the tow lot and paying the hefty fee that is!)

So, we made it down to NC and are starting to settle in. There are still boxes everywhere and between Thanksgiving travel, work travel and then Christmas holiday travel, it might be a while until we are truly settled in but at least we are making progress. Come visit all!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

We have officially cancelled each other out

By the way, election coverage is ridiculous. Apparently, since the networks have nothing to report on yet, they are trying to "out-technology" each other. "Look at our fancy map, its so impressive!" "Look how we can update our numbers four seconds faster than our competitors, aren't we great?!"

CNN takes the cake though. I am currently watching in awe (and not in a good way!) as Wolf Blitzer in the NY studio is talking with another CNN correspondent who is in Chicago. But he's not talking with her on split-screen like they usually do ... no way man, this is election night, time to bring out the big guns!! Instead, Wolf is talking face to face with a hologram of the other correspondent.

(Click on the pic above to enlarge it so you can fully appreciate the ridiculousness - note the "via hologram" tagline and the blue aura surrounding the correspondent. You can't make this stuff up, people!!)

Seriously, a HOLOGRAM? Is that really necessary? Sheesh.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

November is for moving

Well, I think its official. Brad and are moving.

We haven't posted about it yet since I am REALLY superstitious and didn't want to jinx anything. But eventually the word needs to go out! So here it is ....

We're moving. :) Come the end of November, we will officially be North Carolinians. Crazy.