Thursday, February 12, 2009


I think that being a good manager is one of the hardest things that you can do. Understanding your teams’ strengths and weaknesses; creating an environment where they feel supported but not micro-managed; being a friend but still having authority. I struggle with it constantly and know that I have a TON of room to grow to better manage myself and those that work with me.

But the conclusion that I’ve come to recently is that a critical part of being good manager is about sincerity. I can sincerely say that I want the people that work with me to be happy, to grow and to be successful. Of course, that needs to be balanced with producing a high-quality product but when we produce that, I want my team to feel appreciated for their efforts and to get the credit that they each deserve. Why is it that not everyone thinks like that?

I (of course) have someone in mind, someone whose actions prompted me to write this post. It's not that something major happened today, just another day of small things that cause me to doubt this person's sincerity and morals. But, you know what's making me feel better about it all? Karma. I believe in it. I believe it’s a bitch. I believe it might take some time but it always come around. ;)

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