Monday, February 11, 2008

Our Blogosphere Manifesto

So, I feel like we should have some Grand Manifesto to kick off our blog but quite frankly after a long day of work, I'm pretty much out of ideas.

So, why are we blogging? Partially because everyone else is doing it :) But really, we've found that our friend's blogs are so great for keeping up on what's going in their lives. Brad and I are both admittedly horrendous at keeping in touch with folks (and quite possibly terrible at keeping up with a blog ... time will tell on that one!). So, we are planning to use this blog to occasionally send postcards from our road of life - places we go, special people in our lives that we spend time with, and perhaps the occasional random reflection (or rant) on something we find interesting and want to share.

In any event, enjoy our gratuitous story of us! And send us comments, we love to hear from you all!

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