Monday, January 11, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I think I'm just giving up on New Year's resolutions - seriously, does anyone actually succeed at those?

I was just reading an article that said about 100 million Americans make resolutions each year. How many of those actually stick to those resolutions? Apparently 35% have broken their resolutions by the end of January, and by year's end more than 75% break them. Well, at least I'm in good company, I suppose.

Anywho, here's what I said last year and my thoughts on how successful I was at 'em...

1) Get Healthy (get back in shape despite my job that takes up way too much of my time and eat healthier including more organics and local food)
--> Well, at least I got rid of the old consulting job so I would say score one for the huge mental health upgrade! :) And we have been eating a lot more local foods and organics from our local farmer's markets.

But the getting in shape part? Umm, not so much! I actually worked out the other day but by the end of the night I was laid out on the couch, watching tv and eating ice cream while icing my knee with a bag of frozen okra. Ha, take that New Year's Resolution!

2) Never Stop Learning (learn how to play the guitar; take a religions class (or at least read those books I bought years ago!); just read more in general)
--> A big negative on the guitar and religion classes but I have been reading a bit more so that's good.

3) Keep Giving (donate more of my time to charities and do some good; give more of my time to friends and family to make sure they know how much I love and appreciate them!)
--> Yup, total failure on this one! And to all of my friends and family still waiting for me to call or email - just know that I love and appreciate you and maybe I'll turn over a new leaf in 2010 ;)

So, bottomline? If I came up with another set of resolutions for 2010, they would be eerily familiar. So, I'm just going to consider 2010 as "take 2"!

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