Monday, May 11, 2009

We made the front page of the newspaper!

Ok, I admit it - that headline was a bit of an exaggeration for dramatic effect ...

We did indeed make the front page of the newspaper but it was only the front page of the Chancellor's Ridge (our neighborhood) community newsletter. Not quite the front page of the New York Times but probably about as close as we are going to get!

Anyway, guess not much excitement happens in the 'burbs because our recent home intrusion made the headlines:
Crime Alert: A house on Curriculum was recently broken into while the people were home. A burglar rang the doorbell, heard the dog barking and then went around the back of the house. The burglar opened (or reached into an open) window and stole whatever was in reach (iPod, cell phone, loose change, etc.)....

Ha, we're pretty much famous now, right?! I'm impressed that the neighborhood gossip machine is working so well -- the details of our little event made it in to the very next issue of the community newsletter (and even had the requisite gossip mill exaggeration - or maybe my cell phone (and loose change!?) were stolen and I just didn't know it!?)

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