We had a great weekend with the whole family. Of course, we celebrated with margaritas - some traditions are worth continuing! (and passing on to the new generation it looks like - whoops!)

Decorating Easter eggs and the good ol' Easter egg hunt. Brad got in to the Easter egg decorating as always and I had to get a pic of his fancy apron :)

And here is Brad cleaning egg off of my parent's dining room ceiling.

Wait, what? Why, you might ask? Well, it was perhaps the funniest, laughing so hard we were crying, moment of the weekend.
It all started because we had run out of hard boiled eggs for decorating (last year Natalie couldn't have cared less about decorating eggs, this year she was a machine. Knocking through about a dozen eggs before others even had a chance). So, we switched to regular eggs. Which led Brad to start bragging about how he could hold an egg in one hand and squeeze with all his might and it wouldn't break.
Of course, my sisters don't know to just smile and nod at Brad. Instead, they "egged" him on (hee hee, couldn't help it). Pretty soon Brad had an egg in hand, and moments later there was an eruption of egg yolk, egg on the ceiling, all over the table and oozing down Sharon's hair and shirt.
Hysterical. Turns out Brad was holding the egg the wrong way or something like that. Who brought that guy anyway? ;)
Hysterical moment #2 of the weekend - Natalie's dance show for us on the screened porch. Suffice it to say that Natalie now has the new nickname, Elaine (referencing Seinfeld and the her crazy dancing episode). There might be video evidence but I'm holding it for blackmail for the moment. Natalie, you can thank me later :)

Was Brad wearing his ring when he broke the egg?
Good times, good times!
Turns out egg yolk is great for getting that sleek straight hairstyle I've always wanted!
;) Sharon
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