Here's our quick catch-up post to at least get us closer to date. In the past 2 months, we've ...
Seen an amazing Prince concert in Greensboro. That man can sure wear some sequins and puts on an amazing show - hit after hit, I love Prince!
We also saw Yes at DPAC

I spent 2 weeks in India for work ... my 4th trip to India.

While I was gone, Brad got to go to a Hurricane's game with a bunch of friends. He also went to a Gala Charity Ball but somehow there are no pics of him in his tux!

JBJ!! Reaffirmed my crush on Jon Bon Jovi - he's so cute! :)

Sitting/standing in the student section for Duke vs Georgia Tech

Great Sam Bush concert in Raleigh

One of my favorite people in the whole world, Julie comes to visit!! We had a blast and some debauchery ensued. ;)

Our buddy Jenn also came to visit on another weekend, but somehow we missed taking pics the whole weekend!
And the recap ends with an amazing weekend in DC back in January. Spending an awesome weekend with two of my best buddies from Duke and the newest lady to add to the crew - little miss Emily Carmen, so adorable!!

And the recap ends with an amazing weekend in DC back in January. Spending an awesome weekend with two of my best buddies from Duke and the newest lady to add to the crew - little miss Emily Carmen, so adorable!!

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