I had gone on to the field ahead of the hunt to try and get some photos of the action. I got this one moments before being stormed by a swarm of little children who ran across the field and left nothing in their wake. Seriously, 4,000 plastic Easter eggs gone in about a minute and a half. It was NUTS. Pretty sure my life flashed in front of my eyes ;)

Natalie did her best but was outpaced by the older kids and only ended up with one egg. Here is the photo as Natalie realizes that the hunt was over and her basket was still pretty much empty! Uh-oh, tramatic Easter egg hunt memory solidified!

Fortunately, Easter egg hunt #2 was at Grandma and Grandpa's house so Natalie had a better shot at success! Lots of smiles as she was able to get take her time finding the eggs hidden around the background.

And what would Easter be without Easter egg decorating. A family activity (hey, why let the kid have all the fun!). I believe that Martha Stewart would be proud of the eggs that Brad and I made ;)

Finally, just some fun family shots. A couple to commemorate Kiera's belly (she's due in just a couple weeks!) and then some shots of Natalie who is almost 4!

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