So Pranab and I were able to squeeze in some shopping over the course of the two weeks. We went to a sari shop – a flurry of beautiful (and some not-so-beautiful) fabrics, a cacophony of negotiations happening in Hindi and multiple cups of chai while we were sifting through fabrics.

We also visited a shop where the shop owner and his family had been making traditional Indian musical instruments for generations. Here are some of sitars (which I was seriously tempted to buy but didn't want to lug around with me for the rest of the trip!) and Pranab and the shop owner having a little jam session!

And, of course, we went to markets including the Johari Bazaar, which consists of streetside stall and stall in downtown Jaipur. I bought a few bangles while we were thing but mainly I was just excited to take in the market scene. I love listening to the chaos, crossing the street back and forth amongst the market (totally a game of frogger, super fun once you get the hang of avoiding the oncoming traffic which includes trucks, rickshaws (auto and bike) and of course camels, cows and elephants). I could do without the shopkeepers running after me with various things that they think I want but hey, everyone’s gotta make a living, right?

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