We had a super fun weekend - the weather was perfect and we spent a lot of time just hanging out at their house with friends and catching up. We also set up a folding table in one of their spare rooms and got back to college with some competitive Beirut (beer pong) tournaments. Here are Monica and Dan concentrating on their shots!

And Brad and Jay staring down the competition.
But the great part about the video is that it captures one of Brad's musical premonitions. Those of you that have ever been with us to a concert, know that Brad is often able to predict the next song before it even starts (or at least call what song is being played before the first note is even finished). It's totally crazy.
Well, in this case, we were listening to a live Phish show on the radio (there was a festival in California that weekend that was being streamed live on Sirius radio). If you listen carefully on the video, you can hear Brad signing a song and then literally a second later that same song comes on the radio from the show. The timing is just amazing. The whole thing was hysterical at the time and I'm so glad I caught it on tape - not sure what made me start video recording, I was just messing around with our camera and the timing turned out to be impeccable. Anyway, it might be one of those things you had to be there for to truly appreciate but I had to post the video anyway!
Anyway, another great weekend with great friends - can't wait for the next get-together!
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