Anyway, we awoke this morning to the dog barking bloody murder at the foot of our bed. Unfortunately, we told him to shut up and go back to bed (what can I say, he's the dog that barked wolf! Let's just say he's woken us up many other mornings to point out the passing cars or squirrels in the trees!)
Anyway, a few minutes later our security alarm starts blaring and that we couldn't ignore. We jump out of bed, turn off the alarm, look at each other and then are like, "what the heck do we do now?" .... Seriously, what do you do? Apparently, in our case, you yell "is anyone there?", hear some dude breathing really heavy downstairs and then hear him scurry off through the backyard.
Crazy! We went outside and were greeted by half of the neighborhood (especially the ladies around here who love some gossip!) Turns out that one of our neighbors had seen a man on our front porch, called the cops and drove in to our cul-de-sac to get a closer look. At which point our apparent burglar became all helpful and took out garbage can out to the street (I guess, trying to appear that he worked for us or something) and then headed to the backyard where he busted open a window in our kitchen. The window is what set the alarm off, it doesn't appear that he got much - just my iPod which was by the window (and which I am PISSED about but it certainly could have been worse and now its a good excuse for me to get a new one ;)
Anyway, it's nice to know that the neighbors were looking out; the alarm company called immediately (which was funny to listen to as Brad told them "I don't think anything is missing, nothing seems disturbed ... well, except that it looks like someone took out the garbage." I'm sure the security company was like, what?! Ha!); the Durham cops came quickly; a very nice forensic CSI-type guy came and dusted for prints (no joke! he talked about ridge detail and everything and then determined that the culprit wore gloves).

All in all, it made for an exciting morning!
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