Three days ago I was running in the gym watching TV and the weather forecasters were predicting heavy storms in our area in two days. I found it odd because usually forecasters have no clue but in this case they were pretty certain. Well they were correct. We had a major storm with serious thunder, lightning, wind and rain. We lost power and got it back about 24 hours later but they are saying it could take 2-3 more days to restore all power. We went out to dinner last night and the restauarant was overwhelmed by the amount of people going out to eat. They were totally understaffed and not happy about it. We ended up getting Erin's dinner for free but we really didn't care about waiting because we had nothing better to do at home. Anyway, as I was driving today I drove past a house that needed to be photographed. It reminded me when I lived in CT we had a storm that brought about 13 trees down in my parents yard. Its sad when only 1 person suffers really bad in an entire neighborhood.

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