Thursday, August 18, 2011
Our Anniversary!

Sunday, August 14, 2011
Layburn Ladies' Weekend
My sisters and I had promised my mom that for her birthday that we’d all get together for a girls’ weekend. Somehow that took us 8 months to schedule but it finally happened in August.
We all gathered at mom’s house and had a fun weekend of quality girl time! Out for dinner, wine and gossip on Friday night. Then a fun day on Saturday – farmers’ market and a trip to Jamestown, including a super fun Segway tour. I seriously love Segways! Finally back home to make a home cooked extravaganza for Saturday night dinner – we cooked for our mom, that’s a twist! – and then just hanging out and playing Mexican train for a nightcap. Sunday we went to see “The Help” (awesome book and an awesome movie!) and then capped a great weekend off with ice cream!
It was fabulous and SO fun to spend good quality time with mom and my sisters. I’m a lucky girl :)
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Bowling with Shaz
Wow. That is some BAD bowling! Needless to say that was our last game of the night - figured that the bowling gods were telling us to pack it up!